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Keepin' It Real with Cam Marston

Oct 27, 2023

The six weeks of travel is nearly over. Now I need to prepare for re-entry.


Good morning from Phoenix. This is my final stop on my intense six weeks of business trips. By tomorrow afternoon I should be home and I will not only unpack, I will put my luggage away.

After years of mistakes, I’ve learned a bit about...

Oct 13, 2023

My fall travel season has started...


The travel season has begun. Fall is always the busy season but this year it’s all compressed into a short six weeks. Eleven cities. Thirty-two flights.

There was a time when I bragged about this much travel. I felt it made me some sort of super-hero. Now I keep it quiet. I...

Oct 6, 2023

Universal Truths about Fear


I hadn’t expected the reaction to last week’s commentary on fear and sloth. The podcast version was forwarded more than most and the social media got a lots of attention and forwards, too. Most of those commenting were like me – sloth is not such a problem. Fear is the problem.
